European Law Students' Association Malta

Edition I

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Introductory Comments

1. Foreward – By Professor Kevin Aquilina, Dean of the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta

2. Foreward – By Professor G. Xuereb, Head of the Department of European and Comparative Law and Patron of the ELSA European Union Law Essay Competition

3. Editorial – By Anna Abela, Editor in Chief of the ELSA Malta Law Review


4. Azzopardi Daniel Mark, ‘Integrating Europe’s Securities Markets: The Way Forward’

5. Avellino Roberta, ‘Trafficking in Persons: A Contemporary Threat to Human Dignity’

6. Cachia Paul, ‘Recent Developments in the sphere of Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial Matters‘

7. Cassar Charles, ‘Leap of Faith: Launching the First Maltese Unit Trust’

8. Fava Lauro, ‘The European Union’s Constitutional Development: Towards the Solidary Integration Model’

9. Ismail Faiza, ‘Guatanamo Bay: A Human Disaster as a Consequence of Disregard to Law’

10. Lambert Paul, ‘Television Courtroom Broadcasting Research: The Problem, the Challenge and Eye Tracking’

11. Pavelka Thomas, ‘The Concept of ‘Directed Website’ – A Jurisdictional Phenomenon Clarified? Cross-border consumer and tort victim protection in the light of recent ECJ Jurisprudence’

12. Testa David, ‘Challenging Classical Self-Determination: Kosovo’s Case for Independence’

13. Wade Gordon, ‘Freedom of Expression, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: A Jurisdictional Comparative’

ELSA Malta European Union Law Essay Competition

14. Mifsud Bonnici Clement, ‘Mobility in Europe through Primary Outbound Establishment: Challenging the Daily Mail Rule’, Winner of the ELSA Malta European Union Law Essay Competition

15. Tanti Karl, ‘The Common Consolidated Tax Base and Its Implications for Malta’, Awarded a Special Commendation in the ELSA Malta European Union Law Essay Competition

Case Comments

16. Mallia Borg Tessa, ‘The Quantification of Damages Before the Maltese Courts in Light of Turner v. Agius and Recent Amendments to the Civil Code’

17. Jost Jakub, ‘Joined Cases C-92/09 AND c-93/09 Volker und Markus Schecke GbR Hartmut Eifert v. Land Hessen, judgement of the Court of Justice (Grand Chamber) of 9 November 2010’

Legal Updates

18. Jaccarini Nicola, ‘The Quantification of Damages under Maltese Tort Law – An Analysis of Butler v. Heard in Consideration of Past, Present and Proposed Legislation’

19. Mallia Borg Alison, ‘Taxation of Foundations Under the Foundations (Income Tax) Regulations’


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