1. Foreward – By Professor Kevin Aquilina, Dean of the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta
3. Editorial – By Anna Abela, Editor in Chief of the ELSA Malta Law Review
4. Azzopardi Daniel Mark, ‘Integrating Europe’s Securities Markets: The Way Forward’
5. Avellino Roberta, ‘Trafficking in Persons: A Contemporary Threat to Human Dignity’
6. Cachia Paul, ‘Recent Developments in the sphere of Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial Matters‘
7. Cassar Charles, ‘Leap of Faith: Launching the First Maltese Unit Trust’
9. Ismail Faiza, ‘Guatanamo Bay: A Human Disaster as a Consequence of Disregard to Law’
12. Testa David, ‘Challenging Classical Self-Determination: Kosovo’s Case for Independence’
19. Mallia Borg Alison, ‘Taxation of Foundations Under the Foundations (Income Tax) Regulations’