European Law Students' Association Malta

Edition V

Cover Image

Introductory Comments

1. Foreward by Dr. Professor Kevin Aquilina, Dean of the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta

2. Editorial by Rachel Genovese, Editor in Chief of the ELSA Malta Law Review


3. Natasha Buontempo, ‘A Discussion of Robert Alexy’s Theory of Constitutional Rules and Constitutional Principles as a Model for Adjudication’

4. George Camilleri, ‘The Global War on the Illicit Drug Trafficking and Organised Crime: Grabbing the Raging Bull by the Horns, the Legs or the Tail?’

5. Alessia Carbone, ‘The Use of Private Maritime Security Companies in a Highly Uncertain Regulatory Environment’

6. Sippakorn Chongchuwanich, ‘The Crimean Crisis and its Impacts on International Law and International Relations’

7. Nicole Sciberras Debono, ‘Malta’s Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act – A Shift from A Binary Gender to A Whole New Spectrum?’

8. Mag. Dr Consuelo Scerri Herrera LL.D Dip. Matr. (Can.), ‘Drunk-Driving with Particular Reference to Malta’

9. Chloe Gambin, ‘The Implications of Alexander Caruana et vs. Daniel Bonnici on the Awarding of Damages According to Article 1045 of the Civil Code (Chapter 16 of the Laws of Malta)’

Book Reviews

10. Matthew G. Xuereb, ‘Review of ‘Medical Liability and Human Rights in Italian Private Law: Legal Interpretation as a Vehicle for Social Justice’ Written by Pasquale Laghi and Edited by Paola B. Helzel and David E. Zammit (Published in 2013 by the Department of Civil Law at the University of Malta; Volume I of Mediterranean Legal Cultures Research on Civil Law in a Mediterranean Context)’


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